An infamous Stanford study suggested that organic produce was no more nutritious
than its conventionally grown produce, so why are we saying eating organic makes
you live longer?
The answer lies in fruit flies!
A study by Ria Chhabra, a then 16 year old Texas student proved that fruit flies
(Drosophila melanogaster) fed on a diet of organic produce experienced increased
fertility and longevity of life.
This award winning study changed the game by proving that fruits, vegetables and
grains treated with pesticides and herbicides substantially decrease the nutritious
value of the food and significantly hamper food quality. This comes as no surprise as
several studies have shown that organic food contains higher levels of essential
nutrients, such as an increase in total protein content and an increase in antioxidants
in various foods.
If this doesn’t convince you, let me introduce you to the Okinawans.
The Okinawans are people who lead the world’s longest lives! Yes, the Okinawans
are reputed to have the world’s longest life expectancy along with low rates of heart
disease and cancer. What’s the secret? An all natural diet!
What is noteworthy here is the emphasis on “natural” and not artificially treated food.
The bulk of the human diet consists of grains. We eat grains in our bread, in our
rotis, in our puris and who can forget rice, an Indian staple!
Organically grown grains are not only naturally fortified with nutrition, but they’re also
free of pesky chemicals that conventionally grown produce is exposed to. The horror
doubles as the conventionally grown crops are not only fumigated with pesticides
once but twice! They’re fumigated not only in storage, but also in transit!
And can these pesticides easily be washed while cleaning?
Washing the produce is simply inadequate as pesticides may form a waxy layer and
stick to the food. Add Genetic modification to the mix, and we’re looking at food
whose long term implications on our body and the human kind are a mystery.
Needless to say, this doesn’t paint a pretty picture for our health and life expectancy.
An all natural, organic diet not only prolongs your life by preventing illnesses but it
also improves the quality of your life.
On a broader level, Eating organic is more than just increasing your own life
expectancy. In fact, it is a holistic approach. Organic farming is a system of
agricultural production that combines production of high quality food crops
by using agricultural methods that conserve natural resources and support the
environment. Pesticides and Herbicides harm our planet just as much as they harm
our bodies.
The produce at Mangal Organics is completely natural, pesticide-free, organic and all
care is taken to ensure they retain all their original nutrients.
When we choose organic, We choose Mother Earth.
Is it possible to save the planet by just having tastier and healthier food? When you
choose organic, it is imminent!